BOOKS TO INSPIRE 


Levine's dazzling prose and compelling characters make for a charming middle-grade novel. Levine's plot is charming, entertaining, and quickly paced. BOOKLIFE CRITIC'S REPORT

Meet Annie (aka Carrot Top), a middle-grade school girl socially and verbally bullied in a multicultural school environment. What makes her so resilient? See how she deals with a bully and bystanders. Can she turn a bullying situation around? Watch as bystanders learn compassion and tolerance through one brave narrator, Tara. Feel the anxiety a bystander can experience even though they were not bullied. See if you can figure out what causes someone to become a bully.

This fun but powerful story uses friendship, humor, surprise, and mystery, helping us learn about bullying. Readers will be fully engaged with the lovable characters and wanting to know how the story concludes.

Studies show that bullying experienced by the one bullied, the bystander, and even the bully can have long-lasting physical and emotional health issues, even into adulthood. (ACEs).

Included in the appendix are questions for each chapter to aid insightful discussion between friends, parents, or teachers. See extra resources in the appendix.


LEVEL 2021

What would you do if you were

verbally and physically bullied? Keep it a secret? How would you respond if a bully

was harassing your friend physically right in front of you? Tell someone?

This middle-grade fiction drama is about Justin (aka J.J.), a multi-talented

middle grader with low self-confidence in a multicultural school environment. Although J.J. is physically

and verbally bullied by an upper-grade student at school,

he is adored by his friends— Ace, Annie, Tara, and Lexi. This story, tragic

and entertaining, will take a few twists and turns, with secrets

eventually revealed.

Watch how Justin’s self-esteem transforms throughout the story. Learn how his friends,

parents, and even his school find a way to reach out to Justin, the bully,

and the bystanders in a non-threatening manner and create an

environment of zero tolerance for bullying.

Readers will not want to miss the first official band rehearsal when the story, for J.J., takes a turn for the best.

Reach to the questions provided for each chapter in the back of the book to encourage insightful discussion with friends, parents, or teachers. Resources are provided as well.